Recommended Apprentice Wage Rates (January – December 2015)
On 4 December 2014, the FP&M SETA Board approved the recommended apprenticeship wage rates of the period January to December 2015. These rates will be forwarded to the National Artisan Moderating Body (NAMB) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) for publishing in the relevant Government Notice. The wages will come into effect on 1 January 2015.

Progress report on qualifications development of qualifications in the FP&M sector
In anticipation of the phasing-out of all SAQA registered occupational qualifications by 2017, the FP&M SETA Board approved an amount of R 50 million in March 2014 for a highly strategic sectoral intervention to restructure and align all historical occupational and trade qualifications to the QCTO Format. Funding was approved for all 13 sub-sectors. Click here to download a report on progress made to date.

Request for information of learners and apprentices/artisans that are funded by your organisation
The FP&M SETA is requesting you to supply us with information of all learners (for learnerships, skills programmes, work integrated learning programmes, etc.) and apprentices/artisans (including those trades / programmes that are not within the FP&M SETA scope) that are currently registered and are funded by your organisation and have not been reported to the FP&M SETA. Click here to access more information.

National accreditation of trade testing centres
The National Artisan Development Quality Assurance Committee (NADQAC) has been established to coordinate accreditation across all sectors in order to progressively implement a national non-sector based accreditation process.

Click here to download a letter from DHET in this regard.

A notification has been received from Indlela that, with effect from 1 October 2014, the following standardised forms must be used across all sectors when applying for trade tests / trade test certificates:

For assistance in this regard, kindly e-mail Andre Els on

LEARNERSHIP ALLOWANCES - Prescribed minimum learnership allowances pertaining to learners on learnership in sectors where there is no bargaining council. These wages must be applied in context of the the Sectoral Determination Gazette issued in 2011 which allows for an annual update of the learnership allowances.

APPRENTICESHIP AND LEARNERSHIP AGREEMENTS - letter from the DHET informing stakeholders that with effect from 1 April 2014, all apprentices must solely be contracted under the Skills Development Act utilising the Apprenticeship and Learnership Agreement included as Annexure B of the Learnership Regulations as published in Government Gazette 30010 dated 28 June 2007.

ARTISAN RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (ARPL) - presentation on candidate registration process

Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework [OQSF] Policy - a single qualifications framework for a diverse system

The Occupational Qualification Sub-framework (OQSF) is one of three sub-frameworks that comprise the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Training for the purpose of classifying, registering and publishing quality assured national qualifications, where articulation between and within the sub-frameworks is a noted characteristic.

National Standardised Artisan Learner Workplace and/or Site Approval Criteria and Guideline.

The National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) has released the National Standardised Artisan Learner Workplace and / or Site Approval Criteria and Guideline (Version 3) for interim implementation on a provisional basis with effect from 21 October 2013.

It was agreed between SETAs involved in the training of artisans and NAMB to develop a single, national standardized policy for the approval of workplaces and/or site for trade qualifications. The purpose of this policy is to establish a set of single, national standardized criteria and guidelines for all listed trades to allow for the approval of workplaces and/or sites to deliver the structured work experience component of relevant artisan trades. Both generic and occupational specific criteria is listed in this document. Workplaces and learning sites must note and observe the procedures for approval of workplaces and/or sites, duration and revoking of workplace/site approval, approved workplace monitoring and transitional arrangements.

For more information, contact Johnny Modiba on 011 403 1700 or email Alternatively contact Andre Els on 011 403 1700 or email

Notification of delays in Artisan Certification

This notification serves to inform all FP&M SETA stakeholders, including learners, that FP&M SETA is currently experiencing delays with the issuing of artisan certificates.

Learnership Tax Incentives

SARS presentation and case study to explain the Learnership Tax Incentives.

DHET Trade Test Regulations, 2013

The intent of these regulations is to implement a single national artisan trade testing and certification system across all economic sectors and to improve access to and the quality of trade testing to provide industry with suitably qualified artisans. This policy addresses application to undergo a trade test, pre-trade test evaluations, trade testing fees, exemptions, credit accumulation, trade testing monitoring, reporting & certification, complaints & appeals and transitional arrangements.

For more information, contact Johnny Modiba on 011 403 1700 or email Alternatively contact Andre Els on 011 403 1700 or email

Learnership Implementation Guide June 2013

The purpose of the guide is to provide employers in the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) sector, employed and unemployed learners, and providers of FP&M SETA Learnership programmes with documented guidelines on how to become involved in the implementation of Learnerships programmes.

For more information on this process, contact the FP&M SETA ETQA Division on 011-403 1700.

Sectoral Determination No 5: Learnerships

The sectoral determination establishing conditions of employment and rates of allowances for learners in South Africa and fix the second Monday after the date of publication of this notice as the date from which provisions of this determination shall be binding upon all employers and learners in all sectors where Sector Education Authorities (SETAs) have been established.

Draft Guidelines (for discussion): Generic National Artisan Learner Grant Funding and Administration System – Proposed Annual Process

Objective: Single guaranteed funding model for all artisan trades applicable to all sectors including single, simple artisan learner administration and grant disbursement system.

Introduction: All national strategies (National Skills Accord, IPAP2 etc) by Government structures make reference to the need for qualified artisans.

Background and Process

  • Guidelines have been developed to explain proposed annual process instrument.
  • Guidelines and annual process is response to directive received from Minister on 30thJanuary 2012 that National Artisan Moderating Body (NAMB) should co-ordinate a process in developing an artisan learner grant and a single funding, disbursement and learner administration model for all artisan programmes across all sectors.
  • NAMB are in the process of implementing consultative discussions with SETAs, the NSF and UIF.

Government Gazette, Listing of Occupations & Trades for which Artisan Qualifications are Required, 2012, No 35625

A definition and criteria to classify an occupation as a trade and a list of trade occupations in terms of Section 26B of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998) is contained in this gazette, which came into effect on 01 September 2012.

Process: Stakeholders to note a definition & criteria to classify an occupation as a trade & schedule of published trades. For any assistance, e-mail

Government Gazette for Learning Programme Regulations, 2012, No 35489

Regulations governing the registration and management of learning programme agreements, disputes and administrative provisions have been gazetted since July 2012. These standardized regulations would apply to the registration & administration of ALL skills programmes, learnerships and apprenticeship and replaces all previous regulations that managed these programmes separately in the past ie Learnership and Apprenticeship Regulations of the Department of Labour.

Process: Stakeholders to note new regulations & new learning programme agreements (to be implemented with effect from 01 January 2013) for Learnerships, apprenticeships & skills programmes.

For assistance with implementation of these regulations, e-mail

Printing and Packaging Apprenticeships: Timetable for 2013

Learning Programme Registration Forms