1. Vision

To be an innovative skills development partner supporting high quality learning and development interventions towards global competitiveness, an inclusive economy and decent work.

2. Mission

To evolve as an agile and ethical institution that facilitates an efficient and effective skills development process contributing to the achievement of sector competitiveness, transformation and economic growth.

3. Values

FP&M SETA is committed to living its values, which include:

✓ Integrity – Honouring our mandate and doing what is right

✓ Accountability – Clarifying and accepting responsibility and delivering on our commitments

✓ Respect – Driving delivery with respect towards all our stakeholders embracing openness, trust, teamwork, diversity and relationships that are mutually beneficial

✓ Service Excellence –Striving for the best service and delivering it with pride

✓ Inclusive, Sustainable, Socio-Economic Transformational Interventions – Driving and supporting interventions that are meaningful and that will impact positively on the realisation of economically independent individuals and communities

4. Value Proposition

The FP&M SETA provides leading skills development practices that empowers the FP&M sector and communities and encourages inclusive socio-economic growth.
The functions of the FP&M SETA are to:

• Assist to promote job creation, economic growth and decent work in the sector;

• Co-ordinate the development of an overall training and education strategy for the sector;

• Develop an integrated sector skills plan and incorporate sub-sector skills training requirements and objectives within the national skills development strategy framework;

• Conclude a service level agreement with the Director-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Training in terms of Section 10A of the Act;

• Promote the national standard established in terms of Section 30B of the Act;

• Submit to the Director-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Training:

o any budgets, reports and financial statements (regarding its income and expenditure) that are required in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999;

o any plans and reports on the implementation of its Sector Skills Plan and service level agreement;

o address the learning needs of the most vulnerable segments of the Sector;

o promote training in SMMEs to enable them to improve their overall business

5. Brief Background and Mandate

The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing SETA (FP&M SETA) is a public entity that is mandated to provide skills development services to the clothing, footwear, forestry, furniture, general goods, leather, packaging, printing, print media, publishing, pulp and paper, textiles and wood products sector. In addition, the FP&M SETA is mandated to implement the objectives of the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP) and to ensure that employed and unemployed obtain the critical or scarce skills required to build the capacity of the sector to become economically sustainable and globally competitive. South Africa identified the manufacturing sector as one the key sectors to focus on as it moves towards embracing the 4IR. The impact of the 4IR on the manufacturing sector is said to be significant. The intention behind clustering the FP&M SETA industries under a single SETA was clearly to improve the value chain linkages between the industries. The value chain approach will be of particular benefit to the FP&M sector when design expertise is partnered with these industries to enhance their economic performance. There is a drive towards lean manufacturing, just-in-time delivery, and quick response structures and the skills needed to align companies to demand of these structures. There is a need created for these specific skill sets in most of the 13 su